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Twin Flames Session

Distance Twinflame Session + Akashic Records Clearing & Blessing in 1


This is a session to help with Twin Flames Reunion.  This is not for finding your twin flame but to help towards union when you know and already finds your twin.  This session will work on clearing negative Karma in the twin flame bond of past lives and this life, clear twin flame connection blockages such as trapped emotions that's affecting the union, as well as set intention to clear blockages and negative energies in relation to twin flame bond in the Akashic Records (Using different Approach from Akashic Records Clearing Session - you may benefit from a separate Akashic Records Clearing Session as well) , and send positive loving energy to help towards reunion. 


To perform this service, please provide full name of both twins if available.  Any additional information such as photos would also be helpful towards making the intention more specific and powerful.  


This is a powerful session that does not only affect you and your twinflame connection in this life but would ripple towards timelines of past, present, and future.


All services are performed distantly according to agreed schedule.  Please email or message me for details.


Duration: 60 minutes.


Similar session: Akashic Records Clearing

Another session that can help to clear blockages or negative energies in the relationship is Akashic Records Clearing and Blessings


Note: Similar to other sessions, more than one time clearing may be required.  As you go on through life and connection, things would be revealed for more clearing. Twin flame relationship is very tumultuous and may sometimes involve a lot of shedding.  

Twin Flames Session

$155.55 Regular Price
$133.33Sale Price
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